PC1 - Imaris, Scan^R and advanced CellSens Dimension software

Image Processing PC1: 3D and 4D Image processing and deconvolution

With PC1 in room 270E you can process your images using: 

  • Imaris 8.2 single full for 3D/4D visualization and image processing *  
    • NOTE: Imaris does not work via Remote Desktop
  • cellSens dimention v2.3 with "count and measure" and "Constraied iterative deconvolution" **
  • Scan^R for high content imaging data analysis 
  • Freeware like Fiji and Ilastik 

 * This PC has a Nvidia RTX 2070 graphics card for high performance image processing  

** Deconvolution is an image processing technique used to improve contrast and resolution of images. Out of focus light causes blur which mathetically is represented as a convolution operation. Deconvolution seeks to reassign out of focus light to the correct origion. Nearly all fluorescence images can be deconvolved.


The Skou building 1116, room 270E

Imaging PC1

Remote Access

Remote desktop and moxy viewer video