State-of-the-art equipment for a wide range of light microscopy applications as well as access to advanced bioimaging software.

What service do we offer?

Through personal training and assistance by highly trained personnel, we support researchers in state-of-the-art bioimaging. We focus on knowledge sharing and education on microscopy. 

The systems cover imaging applications from organ-scale to superresolution microscopy. We also have in vivo imaging capabilities.

We are an open access Core Facility, with researchers from Aarhus University, Aarhus Hospital, other universities and companies.

Please notice: no open office in week 7 (11.2.2025, 13.2.2025)


Virtual Euro-BioImaging Talks


Virtual Pubs 2024


Selection of Virtual Pubs


Need help or guidance with histology?


  • Location: Skou building, 1116, room 270D

Enquiries: contact Helene M. Andersen

Advanced AI models in one-click 


BioImage Model Zoo

  • Integrated with Fiji, ilastik, ImJoy and more 
  • Try model instantly with BioEngine 
  • Contribute your models via Github 
  • Link models to datasets and applications

BioImage Model Zoo

Need Help With Bioimage Analysis?


DBI-INFRA IACF offers open and remote access to:

  • Image analysis consultations
  • Training in a broad range of software solutions
  • Development of new tools tailored to your project
  • A complete data exchange, storage and computing infrastructure

Information, pricing and contact

Join BINA - Bioimaging North America


BINA is free to join and aims to strengthen the field of bioimaging science, through free, monthly on-line Speaker Series and User Groups, opportunities for support to improve your technical skills through Professional Development workshops and Exchange of Experience visits as well as networking.

BINA - Bioimaging North America

Open office

Come to our Open Office sessions to discuss your imaging needs or get advice on workflows, free of charge:

Tuesdays and Thursdays

13:30 -14:30

The Skou building, 1116-256


Or contact us on:


Contact us

The Facility is located at:

Aarhus University
Department of Biomedicine
The Skou Building 1116, room 256
Høegh-Guldbergsgade 10
8000 Aarhus C