
Certificates (required for system access)

Please note

  • Licences are personal.
  • Prices are fixed and include an extensive introduction session and, if needed, help with the setup.
TRAINING (ONE SESSION) Internal AU Health Other public institutions Private companies
LSM 800, Laser Scanning Confocal, Zeiss (710 or 900 on request) 1.000 DKK 1.500 DKK 5.000 DKK
add-on of additional Zeiss LSM710 or LSM900 (requires LSM800 access) 250 DKK 350 DKK 1.500 DKK
Airyscan Superresolution Module (requires LSM800 access) 500 DKK 750 DKK 2.500 DKK
Spinning Disk Confocal 1.200 DKK 1.700 DKK 6.000 DKK
Slide Scanner (Upright Widefield Fluorescence) 1.200 DKK 1.700 DKK 6.000 DKK
Olympus BX63 Upright Widefield Fluorescence 600 DKK 850 DKK 1.100 DKK
AxioObserver, Zeiss, Inverted Widefield 600 DKK 850 DKK 1.100 DKK
Scan^R High Content Screening 1.200 DKK 1.700 DKK 3.000 DKK
TIRF 2.000 DKK 2.500 DKK 6.000 DKK
TIRF/widefield only  1.000 DKK 1.500 DKK 10.000 DKK
ONI Nanoimager 1.200 DKK 1.700 DKK 6.000 DKK
Multiphoton / 2-Photon 3.000 DKK 5.000 DKK 15.000 DKK
Newton 7.0 In Vivo Imaging System 1.300 DKK 2.300 DKK 6.500 DKK
Lightsheet 7, Zeiss 3.300 DKK 5.500 DKK 15.000 DKK
Stellaris, Leica 4.000 DKK 6.000 DKK 17.500 DKK
PC1: Imaris, Scan^R and advanced CellSens Dimension software

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

 training (if needed): staff support price

PC2: Zen and Simple CellSens Entry software + Inverted DIC Imaging  

setup: free 

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

PC3: Kuant for Newton 7.0; IVIS software 

setup: free 

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

PC4: Scan^R software

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

PC5: Arivis vision 4D

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

setup: free

training (if needed): staff support price

System booking pr. hour

Please note

  • Corresponding certificate is required for system booking.
RUNNING COSTS (PR. HOUR) Internal AU Health Other public institutions Private companies
LSM 800 Airyscan, Laser Scanning Confocal With Superresolution, Zeiss 250 DKK 350 DKK 1.100 DKK
LSM 900, Laser Scanning Confocal, Zeiss 240 DKK 350 DKK 1.100 DKK
LSM 710, Laser Scanning Confocal, Zeiss 190 DKK 250 DKK 850 DKK
Spinning Disk Confocal 190 DKK 250 DKK 850 DKK
Slide Scanner (Upright Widefield Fluorescence) 120 DKK 190 DKK 550 DKK
Olympus BX63 Upright Widefield Fluorescence 80 DKK 130 DKK 350 DKK
Scan^R High Content Screening 110 DKK 165 DKK 500 DKK
TIRF 220 DKK 220 DKK 1.000 DKK
ONI Nanoimager 200 DKK 250 DKK 900 DKK
Multiphoton / 2-Photon 330 DKK 500 DKK 1.500 DKK
Newton 7.0 In Vivo Imaging System 275 DKK 440 DKK 1.250 DKK
Lightsheet 7, Zeiss 330 DKK 500 DKK

1.250 DKK

Stellaris 330 DKK 500 DKK 1.500 DKK
PC1: Imaris, Scan^R and advanced CellSens Dimension software 60 DKK 120 DKK 275 DKK
PC2: Zen and Simple CellSens Entry software + Inverted DIC Imaging   60 DKK 120 DKK 275 DKK
PC3: Kuant for Newton 7.0; IVIS software 60 DKK 120 DKK 275 DKK
PC4: Scan^R software  60DKK 120 DKK 275 DKK

Fixed price for remaining of 2024 (Unlimited hours in 2024)

Please note

  • Corresponding certificate is required for system booking.
AxioObserver up to 4 persons under same PI     2.000 DKK 3.000 DKK 8.000 DKK
AxioObserver 5 or more persons under same PI 3.000 DKK 4.500 DKK 12.000 DKK

Staff support pr. hour

Please note

  • Basic support is free of charge, so do not hesitate to ask us for help at our regular Open Office sesions. We will always let you know in advance, if your requested support exceeds our basic support and will be charged accordingly. We are here to help!

Internal AU Health Other public institutions Private companies
Staff support                          350 DKK 500 DKK 1.500 DKK