To ensure system longevity and the best experience for all our users, we kindly ask you to adhere to our rules and regulations at all times.
Please also consult our FAQ.
In order to use a microscope, you must book a time slot by using the online booking system.
You are not allowed to book a microscope for someone else.
For security reasons, surfing the internet, downloading files, checking your e-mail account etc. is not allowed from our computers. You are allowed to visit our website and the online booking system.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use of USB memory sticks or external hard drives is not allowed.
The Bioimaging Core Facility is not responsible for your data. DATA ON LOCAL PC DRIVES WILL BE DELETED ON A REGULAR BASIS in order to keep the systems performing optimally.
After using a microscope or a workstation, please transfer your data immediately to the your personal AU drive (O:) and clean up your local directories on instrument PCs. Staff will support non-AU users to export data.
No food or drinks are allowed inside the microscope rooms.
After use, clean any oil/water from objective lenses with a piece of folded lens paper found next to the microscopes. Please do not use ordinary tissues. Leave the microscope rooms neat and clean for the next user. Please notify the staff if you find that any of the Bioimaging Core Facility's areas are in an unacceptable state.