BX63, Upright Widefield, Olympus

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The BX63 microscope is fully automated and easy to use while maintaining sensitivity.

Applications in brief

The motorized nosepiece automatically focuses onto the sample. The equally motorized stage can either be positioned by hand, enabling rapid gross sample alignment, or it can be encoded to continuously read-out the X and Y position, enabling the user to set precise coordinates and to navigate directly to them.


  • Detection of multispectral fluorescence
  • Encoding of X and Y coordinates for continuous automated localization

Which samples may I use?

Selected samples, but not limited to:

  • fixed tissue sections
  • fixed cells

Training and use

Tips and tricks

My section has varying thickness or is mounted unevenly. How do I get a crisp image?

  • Add multiple focus points
  • Go to 'Stage Navigator'
  • Choose 'High Density Focus Map'; you will see 5 preselected boxes/focus points
  • Press the green arrow button to go through the focus points while adjusting each one
  • If needed, add more focus points by right-clicking on the overview and choosing 'Add focus point'
  • When all focus points are adjusted, start experiment

Please check all z-heights of focus points before starting the acquisition --> danger of damaging objectives if not correctly set up


Full equipment name BX63 Upright Widefield Fluorescence Microscope, Olympus
Camera Sensitive Andor Zyla 5.5 (5 Megapixel, 6.5 µm pixel – 60% Quantum efficiency)
  • 10x, Plan Flurite
  • 20x, Plan Apochromat
  • 40x, Plan Flurite
  • 60x-Oil, Plan Apochromat
  • 100x-Oil, Plan Flurite
Filter qubes
  • Hoechst (blue), Ex 360-370nm, Em 420-460nm
  • GFP (green), Ex 465-495 nm, Em 515-555nm
  • mCherry (red), Ex 540-580nm, Em 605-665nm
  • Cy5 (far red), Ex 590-650nm, Em 663-737nm
Light source
  • Cooled pe300 ultra with enhanced power output
  • 3 individual bands according to observations methods are automatically controlled to avoid bleaching



- How should I clean the equipment after use?

  • Please leave the work station neat and clean for the next user.
  • Ensure to cover the microscope with the designated dust cover.

- Are consumables included in the price?

  • Consumables are not included in the price for booking of BX63 microscope via the Bioimaging Core Facility.

Data Storage

- How can I get access to my data?

  • After using a microscope or a workstation, please transfer your data immediately to your personal AU drive (O:) and clean up your local directories on instrument PCs if you are not reusing data in subsequent experiments.
  • The Bioimaging Core Facility staff will provide support to non-AU users for exporting data.
  • Use of USB memory sticks or external hard drives is for security reasons not allowed.

- Does the Bioimaging Core Facility regularly back up the user data?

The Bioimaging Core Faility is not responsible for your data. DATA ON LOCAL PC DRIVES WILL BE DELETED ON A REGULAR BASIS in order to keep the systems performing optimally.

Please ensure that you transfer your data to your personal AU drive (O:) after each session.

- May I use my personal USB memory stick or external hard drive for data storage?

No, any use of USB memory sticks or external hard drives is for security reasons not allowed. Usage of USB memory sticks may lead to suspension of the user license.

Data Analysis

- How may I process and analyse my data?

  • Obtained images may be processed and analysed using Olympus cellSens software:
    • PC2: Simple file processing and conversion of files with cellSens Entry v2.3.
    • PC1: Advanced file processing including counting and measuring as well as constrained iterative deconvolution* with cellSens Dimension v2.3

Deconvolution is an image processing technique used to improve contrast and resolution of images. Out-of-focus light causes blur, which mathematically is represented as a convolution operation. Deconvolution seeks to reassign out-of-focus light to the correct origion. Nearly all fluorescence images can be deconvolved.


- How shall I refer to the equipment?

Need help?

Come to our Open Office sessions to discuss your imaging needs or get advice on workflows, free of charge:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 13:30 -14:30

The Skou building, 1116-256